Friday, March 26, 2021

 The best use of imagination is creativity.  The worst use of imagination is anxiety.

~Deepak Chopra

Friday, March 5, 2021

A person decides to climb the mountain to see out the old wise individual for advice.  As the person reaches the top of the mountain, the old wise individual stops the person short and calls out, "You have come to me because you have a problem."

"Yes," the person replies quickly.

The old wise one then says, "You have come to me because you have more than 1 problem."

Stunned, the person says, "YES!"

The wise one says, "In fact, you have 83 problems."

The person, now confused, says, "I do?"

"Yes," the wise one replies.  "Everyone has 83 problems."

The person doesn't really know what to say, so the wise one continues, "Everyone has 83 problems.  When you solve one, another takes its place.  You have always had 83 problems, ever since you were young, and you will continue to solve problems and have new ones replace them for the rest of your days."

Now the person thinks this was a waste of time and turns away, dismissing the wise one's saying, heading back toward the path back down the mountain.

The wise one stops the individual.  "But you have one more problem.  And it is the worst of all your problems.  You will never find peace because of it."

"Excuse me?" the person says.

"Yes.  You have an 84th problem.  And it's your biggest one."

"And what is that?" the person asks, exacerbated.

"You believe you shouldn't have 83 problems."

Give light and people will find the way ~Ella Baker